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Matthai J, Bharadia L, Sivaramakrishnan VM. Paracetamol-induced Liver Disease among Children in India: Myth or Reality?. Ann Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol 2022; 4 (3):31-32.
Objective: To assess the spectrum of accidental paracetamol-induced liver disease (PILD) in children and to study the pediatrician's perspective on the possible reasons and remedial measures.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire-based online survey among pediatricians all over India was sent to members of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), the Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ISPGHAN), and institutions.
Results: 86% considered PILD in their diagnosis and 42% had encountered one or more cases in the previous 6 months. 54% reported acute hepatitis as the most common presentation. Half the respondents attributed it to an error by the mother while 30% held the pharmacists responsible. As remedial measures, a majority suggested color coding of different strengths and mentioning the dose in bold letters on preparations containing drops.
Conclusion: Accidental PILD among children is not uncommon but is preventable and treatable. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute hepatitis. Steps to prevent errors by the mother and pharmacist are easy to enforce.
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